Vermont, Early November by Billy Collins

It was in between seasons, 
after the thin twitter of late autumn
but before the icy authority of winter,

and I took in the scene from a porch,
a tableau of silo and weathervane
and a crowd of ferns on the edge of the woods–
nothing worth writing about really,
but it is too late to stop now
that the ferns and the silo have been mentioned.

I dramk my warm coffee 
and took note of the disused tractor
and the lopsided sign to the cheese factory.

Not one of those mornings 
that makes you want to seize the day,
not even enough glory in it to make you want

to grasp every other day,
yet after starting for a while
at the plowed-under fields and the sky,

I turned back to the order of the kitchen
determined to seize firmly 
the second Wednesday of every month that lay ahead.

~ from Ballistics (Random House, 2008)

Omens by Louise Glück


Little Crazy Love Song by Mary Oliver