“No word is spurned when Sharon entices us to reveal what’s lurking in the nibs of our pens. She loosens our writing inhibitions with poetry, made-up words and opposite-hand writing, and prompts like ‘Minnie and Mr. Gomez.’ The sessions are full of friendship and laughter... I’ve learned that I can make up characters and describe distant settings, or dive into my own life where even the mundane moments hold stories. I’ve come to trust my instincts. Reading my piece out loud is about owning the words I’ve written, regardless of how they might stand the test of time. There’s honesty in the flow of the writing that builds confidence when it’s voiced. I have a deep respect for Sharon Singer and the process that she’s developed in ‘The Moving Pen’, and look forward to the surprises in each session.”
— Hele Montagna, radio producer
“Sharon creates a space that allows us to write (and read our words aloud) without fear. During a session we take turns performing the endless dance of reveal/conceal with our words. Sharon’s calm acceptance of everything we write gives us the courage to continue putting ourselves on the line.”
— Ann Tudor, storyteller, author
“Sharon Singer was a Godsend at a time when I was trying to embody a new creative voice that really needed some expression, some freeing up. I had been writing my first play and, in her class, I found story threads, voices and an embodied confidence that became key to my process. Her sensitivity, non-judgmental attitude and ways of giving helpful feedback were so beneficial.”
— Jerry Brodey, educator, writer, performer
“Maybe there are two kinds of people in the world: the ones who write and the ones who want to write. ‘The Moving Pen’ is one of the best ways I have ever found to be the first kind of person. As a practice it keeps me writing and as a writer it helps me to focus on what I really want to write. I have recommended it to lots of people.”
— Julie Simmons, astrologer, author, teacher
“Sharon fosters a warm, secure and open atmosphere in which the creative writing process can take place without judgment. Hearing the writing of the other group members and getting to know them through their writing, have been unexpected benefits. Sharon also offers a yearly opportunity to read one’s polished work in a public setting, another perspective of the writing experience. All in all, I can’t think of a better way for someone interested in exploring the written word than a group such as this. It is an amazing process.”
— Marian Downie
“‘The Moving Pen’ experience has been positive and fruitful in many ways. Sharon is the most encouraging mentor, and has the ability to ease one’s anxiety about the writing process. I have gained a new confidence. I had the honor of Sharon’s expertise while working on an article, that was later published in The Globe and Mail. The collaboration was inspiring, educational and emotionally fulfilling. It is a privilege to be with such a compassionate and giving teacher.”
— Janet Goldblatt Holmes, dancer, artist, teacher
“Moving Pen workshops have made a huge difference in my writing confidence and ability. Sharon creates such a safe and productive environment all geared to simply get you to write and not defend or worry about the result! Wonderful!”
— Asia Marrion, textile artist and writer
“I’ve been writing poetry for a long time, but haven’t had a lot of exposure to prose. I have nothing but praise for this writing class. It has opened up a creative vein for me that has been dormant for sometime, and I’m enjoying the process tremendously. Through Sharon’s guidance, I am able to enter a rather magical world where the words flow, and sometimes fly off the tip of my pen. It’s quite a surprise to be able to write like this... as a newby (3 classes under my belt).”
— Helena Ovens, Doctor of Naturopathy, Classical Homeopath
“Sharon’s ‘Moving Pen’ groups are both inspiration and healing. I often find myself moving into past unresolved feelings that develop into buried treasures of story line or poem. Characters I have written about in the past have been brought back to life AND I have discovered voices within me I didn’t even know exist.”
— Michele Burnett
“This is how it works. I’ve got two minutes to write a testimonial. Okay, um... any time I’ve attended one of Sharon’s sessions, I’ve been amazed at the productivity. Who would have thought that when you put a bunch of people in the same room and get them to write for two hours, you’d end up with such great stuff? Interesting, funny, tragic, insightful writings. People laugh, people cry.... It’s a completely liberating experience and gets you to trust whatever comes next from your pen. You keep moving fast enough and the evil little nay-saying voices in your head just can’t keep up. Um... time’s up, I’m done. Well, maybe not everything is interesting, funny, tragic or insightful. Sorry Sharon.”
— Larry Gordon, art director, writer, designer
“Just when I thought that what I was looking for didn’t exist, Sharon appeared. Thank you Sharon for doing the wonderful work that you do to awaken and re-awaken the writer in a gentle and safe environment, full of acceptance. It means so much to me to be able to open and write. Thank you for being the wonderful catalyst that you are to me and so many others.”
— M.G.
“One great lesson in my life has been the importance of co-creation and creative community. Creativity doesn’t require isolation even though it is an act of individual expression. In fact, it seems that when we entrain the energy of a group gathered for the same purpose, we are lifted higher in our endeavors. In a safe space, we are elevated, we egg each other on and we bear witness to each other’s transformation. For this reason co-creation is a sacred act. It is the stuff the universe is made of. Sharon Singer and the “The Moving Pen” offer a sacred space in which to discover our power and potential to co-create.”
— Anita Allen, physiotherapist
“‘The Moving Pen’ group provides the time, focus and commitment to attend to my developing writer. The experience of silent shared listening, and expressing our inner reflections is practice in following and developing our unique voices. Sharon’s prompts invite us to explore the unexamined, or to follow the lead of a character in search of action. An image or picture leads to a story, and to flesh out characters that meet and interact with our reservoir of knowing.”
— Donna Little, psychotherapist and trainer
“Months after my last surgery for cancer I began writing in one of Sharon’s writing groups. It had been 1½ years of living the cancer experience, having 4 major surgeries, and being told I had less than 5% chance of surviving for 5 years. ‘The Moving Pen’ afforded me expression of my churning inner world. The process helped me to make “wrapped packages” of my experiences with cancer that were manageable, even inviting. Instead of being overwhelmed by my fear of death, I learned to take the package off the shelf and read it to my confreres. I began to understand that I was in a community process—death!— shared by every living soul (whether one knows it or not), and learned new ways to express myself with the written word. Between our weekly writing sessions, my awareness heightened as I playfully looked for apt words to describe what I saw, felt, and touched.”
— Deborah Stewart-Finestone, psychotherapist, yoga teacher, cancer coach
“A ‘moving pen’ group is like going to creative church!”
— Lou Jurgens, actor
“Sharon is gifted in holding a gentle and professional approach that has allowed my writer to emerge. Listening to others’ writing, and reading my own, has surprising results. The way Sharon works the creative process and values writing inspired me to take risks and find a lively and vibrant voice that literally was aching to come out.”
— Tara Detwiler, Certified Advanced Rolfer
“Each person brings so many valuable insights into the human psyche! Yet they are all so different from each other. This is the kind of group I was looking for. Sitting down together and each one writing their own story, yet collaborating with each other, supporting one another, living through each other’s characters... There is a story right here!”
— Madhav Kochunni
“I had avoided writing all my life. About 8 years ago I was called on to write a case study. My dear friend Sharon assured me that I could do this, and mentored me. She lovingly edited my writing in such a way that I felt empowered and could recognize myself as a writer. Her ‘Moving Pen’ classes offered me a friendly, safe, and playful environment to explore words, ideas, creativity and imagination in writing. Her guidance and ‘The Moving Pen’ have changed my life.”
— Kim Brodey, Continuum Movement teacher
“After a year of working with Sharon, I was writing and taping a radio project for the U.S. market. When I was referred to her, I was a blocked writer. How did ‘The Moving Pen’ accomplish what I could not do on my own? By getting me to invest a small handful of time every week to write; by being gentler with me that I ever could have been with myself; by introducing me to other like-minded writers. In her small intimate writing circles, she is the patient mother of your creativity... The results are funny, profound, brilliant, inane, imaginative and unimaginable. If you find yourself reading this, and decide to work with Sharon, you will be giving yourself a gift of immeasurable value. You have found an able, kind, loving guide to open up possibilities that you may have never dreamed possible.”
— Jo-Ann Phillips, CEO Hire Vision, Broadcaster
“‘The Moving Pen’ (has) contributed to my growth as a writer and as a person. I look forward to every week and although I don’t always write something I deem ‘worthwhile’, the experience is always worth my while. The energy around the table is inspiring and supportive; I can be myself.”