streaked minnows and music by Miriam Margles

                streaked minnows and music know
	        each other as
	     gold and darting
             before either knows what for—
             which is for swimming and which is
             for swimming

she swims toward her heart upon her bed
  a splashing that turns to broad,
  strong strokes
as sleep falls
as schools of minnows flash

	  Let’s imagine it possible—
              that we can have clean palms and a 
              pure   something
	  heart or rest
	      maybe   a bold strong stroke

she won’t know until she’s sleeping
how pure and falling
how the something of her music is
how answered is praying

                    let’s let it be possible
		that cherries can know spring when
		    they’re deep in their trees,
		believe they will turn something,
		    flashed and unsleeping,
		more than the dream of a snow-weighted branch

~ reprinted with the permission of the author

Affirmation by Donald Hall


In Human Closeness... by Anna Akhmatova