Everything Says Yes by Pedro Salinas

Everything says yes.
Yes from the sky, blueness, 
and yes blue from the sea, 
oceans, skies, blues
in sea foam and breezes
repeat jubilant
monosyllables endlessly.
A yes answers a yes, 
to another yes.  Great repeated 
dialogues are heard
above the sea
from world to world: yes.
Long yeses read 
in the wind, lightning rays
of stork feathers
so snowy they fall
flake by flake, covering
the earth in an enormous
white yes.  It is the great day.
Today we can go close 
to what doesn’t talk: 
to the cliff, to love,
the bone behind the forehead.
They are slaves of yes.
It is the only word 
the world concedes to them.
Soul, quickly ask
for a maximum 
momentary madness, 
ask for impossible 
things asked for 
so long and so many times
in silence and that today
we will ask shouting!
Certain for one day, 
today, only today,
that the no’s were false,
simply appearances, delays,
innocent coverings.
And it was behind, 
slowly ripening, 
in measure with the hunger 
of asking hopelessly
for rapture: the yes. 

~ from My Voice Because of You, translated by Willis Barnstone. 
(University of Chicago Press, 2010)

Winter Solstice Chant by Annie Finch


Faces by Adam Zagajewski