Lessons by Pat Schneider

 I have learned
 that life goes on,
 or doesn't.
 That days are measured out
 in tiny increments
 as a woman in a kitchen
 measures teaspoons 
 of cinnamon, vanilla, 
 or half a cup of sugar
 into a bowl.

 I have learned
 that moments are as precious as nutmeg,
 and it has occurred to me
 that busy interruptions
 are like tiny grain moths,
 or mice.
 They nibble, pee, and poop,
 or make their little worms and webs
 until you have to throw out the good stuff
 with the bad.

 It took two deaths
 and coming close myself
 for me to learn
 that there is not an infinite supply 
 of good things in the pantry.

~ from Another River: New and Selected Poems, 
(Amherst Writers and Artists Press, 2005)

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