Excerpt from the blessing 'For Light' by John O'Donohue

In the glare of neon times,
Let our eyes not be worn
By surfaces that shine
With hunger made attractive. 
That our thoughts may be true light,
Finding their way into words
Which have the weight of shadow
To hold the layers of truth. 
That we never place our trust
In minds claimed by empty light,
Where one-sided certainties
Are driven by false desire. 
When we look into the heart,
May our eyes have the kindness
And reverence of candlelight.
That the searching of our minds 
Be equal to the oblique
Crevices and corners where
The mystery continues to dwell,
glimmering in fugitive light. 

~from To Bless The Space Between Us (Harmony, 2008)

From Preface to Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman


Summer Song by William Carlos Williams